Travel Statistics
For those who care, here are our travel stats!
Days Travelled: 694
Kilometres Travelled: 79077
(according to the PolarSteps app at least!)
Number of Countries Visited
Our Journey So Far:
Turkey 🇹🇷
Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
Malaysia 🇲🇾
Thailand 🇹🇭
Laos 🇱🇦
Thailand 🇹🇭
Malaysia 🇲🇾
India 🇮🇳
Vietnam 🇻🇳
Indonesia 🇮🇩
Thailand 🇹🇭
India 🇮🇳
Vietnam 🇻🇳
Thailand 🇹🇭
Cambodia 🇰🇭
Total Individual Countries: 9
Transport Used
Transport Total: 753
Accommodation Stayed In
Accommodation Total: 152
Times We’ve Given into Fast Food
Fast Food Total: 36
This list is updated very infrequently!
Last updated - 31st May 2024