Adventures Of Jellie Adventures Of Jellie

The Taj Nature Walk - The Green Oasis of Agra

Agra is more than just the Taj Mahal. Five minutes walk from the throngs of tourists at the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Taj Nature Walk provides an oasis of calm. Filled with green spaces, wildlife and picturesque views, the Taj Nature Walk is a worthy addition to any trip to Agra!

Those who come to Agra visit for one reason -  the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Wonder of the World, the Taj Mahal. But for those who stay a little longer, Agra has some lesser known delights. A five minute walk from the East Gate of the Taj Mahal, is the Taj Nature Park. 

A tree trunk is colourfully painted with a tiger and a panda on the road leading to the Taj Nature Park.

Follow the colourfully painted trees and well paved street away from the Taj’s East Gate and you’ll soon come across the unassuming entrance to the Taj Nature Park.

This enclosed nature park offers a calm respite from Agra’s claustrophobic streets and oppressive heat. 

Tickets cost 150 rupees each (£1.45 or $1.83).

Once inside the park you can follow the colourful paths as they loop and curve around rock gardens, selfie spots, ponds and gazebos.

A stone path lined with potted plants leads into the Taj Nature Park. The wall is colourfully painted with black and white birds.

The whole nature park undulates up and down with little hills, dells and hidden pockets all over. This creates lovely cool and private areas to sit and relax in as well as little “peaks” where you get a glimpse  of the Taj Mahal. 

The white marble dome of the Taj Mahal rises above the green foliage. As viewed from the Taj Nature Walk.

We’d recommend taking the right hand path and not being afraid to veer off the paved paths onto the dusty mud trails that lead deeper into the nature park. 

A winding footpath stretches away from the camera and leads into the Taj Nature Trail.

In terms of wildlife we saw tons of different birds including peacocks, hawks and eagles, as well as cheeky chipmunks everywhere and also a large group of macaques. As we got deeper and further away from the family lawn, we also discovered that this park is a popular teenage make out spot, and a lot of the pagodas seemed to be reserved for some very private canoodling! 

A small chipmunk is captured clutching a nut amidst the forest floor foliage of the Taj Nature Walk.
Clustered around a water bowl, three birds have a drink. One turns their bright blue eye to the camera at the Taj Nature Walk.

There are refreshments available at the ticket counter and toilets dotted around the park. If you’re travelling with children, this park is great with plenty of play areas, green spaces to run around as well as  swings, slides and climbing frames to play on.  If you’ve dragged your child around the Taj Mahal all morning, this would be a lovely reward, this was one the most kid friendly activities we saw in Agra. 

To copy the locals (we wished we had done this) pack a picnic and sit on one of the well maintained lawns, under the shade of trees and enjoy a very scenic lunch. 

The Taj Nature Park is a fantastic little getaway in Agra. You get unique views of the Taj Mahal without the crowds and hectic atmosphere of downtown Agra and for the price of entry, this is a fantastic place to visit. 

Thanks for reading,

John & Ellie x


*Prices correct at time of visiting - May 2023

Ellie smiles next to a sign for the "I love Taj Nature Walk" in the Taj Nature Park.

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